Cowichan Watershed Board Monthly Meeting

The January 2025 meeting will be from 9am-11am at the CVRD Boardroom. Details below.

General Orientation to Cowichan Watershed Board Meetings – All Welcome! 

Date/Time: Last Monday of the month from 9:00am-Noon.  No meeting in August or December.

Location:  alternates between the following 3 venues. Please check the top of the agenda for the location each month. Zoom is not offered during in-person meetings.

  1. Siem Lelum gym Dining Hall, River Road, Cowichan Tribes Reserve, Duncan. Map
  2. CVRD Boardroom, 175 Ingram Street, Duncan. Map
  3. ZOOM Webinar

Coffee Time: Everyone is welcome for casual conversation from 8:30-9am to connect on your watershed questions or projects before the Chair calls the meeting to order.  On Zoom meetings, after 9:00am, mics and cameras will be active for Board members, staff, and guest presenters only but audience members are welcome.

Public Input: Anyone who would like to address the Board about an item on the agenda, or share relevant announcements from your organization, is encouraged to do so within the Public Input time on the agenda at the discretion of the CoChairs. Please request time via CWB staff at least 5 days prior to the meeting by emailing

Duncan Christmas Bird Count

Duncan Christmas Bird Count (CBC) All are welcome. Warmup and debrief at the Fish Health Building afterward 3-6pm

For more information contact

A few people to help out at the Après event would be much appreciated.

Sahtlam Greenway Trail Native Planting

Please join the CVRD Parks & Trails Volunteer Program to decommission a small section of closed trail to naturalize the area and prevent erosion. Activities will include digging and planting native species. Meet at the trail entrance at the corner of Hanks Rd and Sahtlam Estates Rd. (map)

Remember to wear sturdy closed-toe shoes. Please dress for the weather as the event will go on as long as conditions remain safe and workable. Bring drinking water and any snacks or lunch you would like. Light refreshments will be provided for the break. Tools and gloves will be provided.

There is no toilet available at this event. We will be working on a somewhat steep slope on uneven ground. Moderate physical fitness is required for this activity.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us should you have any questions about this event or to pre-register using the info below. Feel free to come for part or all of the event!

CVNS Coffee House with Hilary Emberton

Join CVNS for our monthly coffee house at the Fish Health Building on Wharncliffe Road.  Hilary Emberton will present on a Nature trip to Costa Rica!  For zoom link or more information email